Tool Settle Lawsuit, Forge Ahead on New Album

Story by Anne Erickson
Tool are free to release their new album, thanks to a lawsuit settled in their favor
Tool haven’t released a new album since 2006’s “10,000 Days,” but that’s all about to change. The eight-year lawsuit, which guitarist Adam Jones revealed was one of the main reasons the band hasn’t released a new album lately, have been settled, and Tool can move forward.
“When you try to be ethical and sleep well at night and try to do the right thing, and people around you are not doing the right thing and trying to take advantage of you, it really affects your creativity and your sleep and your relationships with people and everything you do,” Jones told Yahoo Music. “We would have had an album out a long time ago, we would have been taking more tours. But we’ve been discouraged and distracted by this major lawsuit, which is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.”
The lawsuit started in 2007. An employee for Tool claimed he made the artwork for Tool and wanted his due credit. Tool left the matter in the hands of their insurance company, but the company turned around and sued the band, too. The case was stuck in Los Angeles courts and finally settled in Tool’s favor the week of March 2, after a venue switch. The judge who ruled in favor of Tool as a rock star-appropriate name, too.
“You know what his name was? Randy Rhodes!” Jones said. “I knew the power of metal and my appreciation of metal was some day going to be like a guardian angel. But he was great. He came in and took over, and he’s the reason the whole thing is finally over.”
Now, Tool are free to go back to recording. Jones said he would like the new album to arrive by year’s end, but he’s not making any promises, stating, “We’re older guys now. Everyone kind of has their own life. … But I feel like every day we work on the songs is a productive day and we’re getting closer and closer to finishing them.”
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