Crazy Town Members Get in Brutal Fight Following Botched Gig

“Nu Metal Madness 2” tour poster – Story on the Crazy Town fight by Cat Badra
Hed PE has taken Crazy Town off their “Nu Metal Madness Tour 2,” following the band’s bloody post-show fight
If you were into nu-metal when the genre first formed in the late-1990s and early-2000s, chances are, you’re very familiar with a song called “Butterfly.” The track went to the top of the charts in 2001 and became a one-hit wonder of sorts for the band behind it, Crazy Town. Now, guys are in, well, a crazy situation.
Following a botched show last weekend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, co-vocalists Seth Binzer (aka Shifty Shellshock) and Bobby Reeves got into a major Crazy Town fight with each other after Binzer didn’t show up for the performance until the end of the set.
Fan-filmed footage of the concert reportedly shows Reeves performing some songs without Binzer, even their hit, “Butterfly.” Elsewhere in the set, he reportedly says he’s super mad at Shifty, with some expletives worked in.
TMZ posted some post-concert footage, which shows Binzer and Shifty fighting and Binzer commenting something about Reeves stealing his money. The fight lasts for a while before someone finally breaks it up.
Later, Reeves posted an image of his beat-up face on social media. In it, he says, “Me and Shifty got into a little scuffle, but it’s all good. We’re brothers.”
Watch footage of the fight via TMZ here. It’s an age-restricted YouTube clip, so you’ll likely get some kind of warning or not be able to watch it if your settings don’t allow viewing of age-restricted videos.
Crazy Town’s performance was part of their tour with Hed PE on the “Nu Metal Madness Tour 2.” Now, Hed PE, who are headlining the tour, have kicked Crazy Town off the bill. It’s worth noting that the Hed PE and Crazy Town guys were on tour last year, too.
On Tuesday night (April 25), Hed PE lead singer Jared Gomes took to social media to tell fans that his band made the decision to remove Crazy Town from the tour. The trek also features Adema and Tantric.
In the message, Gomes says that he’s “not passing judgment on Crazy Town, or Seth or anything like that. But whatever has gone on with us we’ve always tried to come with a good rock show.” He adds that, “Seth needs help. We can’t just sit by while he’s on the road battling demons to the death. He needs to get off the road and deal with that s***.”
Finally, Gomes says that the Crazy Town situation is a lot “deeper” and “messier” than just the fight. “It’s definitely sad for us you know. Because I consider Seth a homie, but [we] just couldn’t keep it going. And Hed PE doesn’t support the shit that’s gone on and the s*** that’s been done or been said by Crazy Town.”
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