Shinedown New Album Update: 5 Things to Know


Shinedown band members Brent Smith and Zach Myers performing live onstage at DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston, Michigan.

Shinedown members Brent Smith and Zach Myers – Story by Cat Badra, photo by Anne Erickson

Here are five things to know about the upcoming new album from Shinedown

One of the most highly-anticipated new albums of 2022 is the upcoming set from Shinedown. Brent Smith and company have been working on the new music over the past two years, and the upcoming release will mark their follow-up to 2018’s “Attention Attention.” In advance of the new release, here are five things to know about the upcoming album.

The Album is Finished

“I can tell everybody right now, ’cause people have been asking about it. So Shinedown ‘7’ is completed. We’re finishing up a couple of things as far as the mastering is concerned with our boy Ted Jensen, who’s a mastering engineer in Nashville,” Brent Smith told Rock Titan TV. “So we’ve got a couple of tweaks here and there, but you’re gonna get a new Shinedown record [in] early 2022.”

It’s Coming- Soon

Timelines for albums often get pushed back, but back in August, Brent Smith told New Jersey’s WSOU 89.5 FM that the album was, at the time, slated to arrive in early 2022. Let’s hope that estimate is still accurate. “I can tell you right now the first single, you’re gonna hear it in the first month of 2022. And then hopefully a couple of months later, there’ll be a [full-length] record out,” he said.

It’s Going to Be Different

Smith has called the new Shinedown album “proactive” and “controversial,” two words not often associated with Shinedown. “We wanted to push everything to the front,” Smith said in the 95.9 Rat interview. “And what I mean by that is, we’ve proven that we can make these records that there’s a lot of musicianship involved in it, and we have layered our records over the years because we love music and we love sound and we love big, epic… we try to make really cinematic records.”

You Can Already Hear a Teaser from the New Album

To ring in the new year, Shinedown released a teaser from the new album. In the 42-second clip, which can be seen via Instagram here, was accompanied by the message, “So it begins… #nowiknowmyabcs… Do you? #SD7”.

The Band Will Take the Album on the Road

Shinedown will hit the road later this month, setting off their North American tour with Ayron Jones in San Francisco, California, on Jan. 26. Chances are, you’ll hear at least a new single on the tour, and perhaps some additional previews off the new album.

Anne Erickson
Posted by Anne Erickson | Music, Rock, Rock News

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