Stone Temple Pilots’ Scott Weiland Plans Christmas Solo Tour


Story by Anne Erickson

Scott Weiland plans to follow up Christmas album with short tour

Although Halloween is only a few days away, Scott Weiland is already getting into the Christmas spirit. The Stone Temple Pilots and former Velvet Revolver frontman released an album of Christmas songs this week called Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and now the silky crooner is promising to perform six Christmas solo shows, complete with an orchestra, in addition to a few television appearances, to boot.

“It’s a theater tour, and it will be very classy,” Weiland told Rolling Stone. “We’ll bring a small part of the orchestra with us, and then we will go to the music union and find other players to supplement the rest of the orchestra. Then we’re doing two morning TV shows, two afternoon shows and two late night shows.”

Last month, Stone Temple Pilots’ tour was adjourned, due to Weiland’s ongoing throat problems. He hopes that’s not the case with this Christmas run. “My voice was shot,” Weiland said. “I’ve been on the road nonstop ever since I got in with Velvet Revolver. We over-toured this last STP record. Sometimes it begins to feel like you’re punching a clock”

The situation got so challenging that, “a lot of times, I told them that we had to stop because my voice was giving out. Finally, an ear, nose and throat specialist put a camera down my throat. One of my vocal chords was strong – like overly strong – but the other one was very weak. He was afraid that I was going to do irreparable harm.”

Following the STP tour and Weiland’s Christmas outing, the singer plans, at long last, to take some time off. “In the last eight years, I’ve barely ever had more than two months off,” he said, adding that he wants “to spend time with my kids and I want to have a personal life.”


Anne Erickson
Posted by Anne Erickson | Alternative, Music, Rock News

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