Cold Release Thought-Provoking Music Video for ‘American Dream’


Story by Anne Erickson

Cold’s latest music video looks at the ‘American Dream’

Scooter Ward and the heavy music men of Cold have released the official music video for their track, “American Dream,” which is the band’s second single from their current Eleven Seven Music release, 2011’s “Superfiction.”

The video walks the viewer through the forlorn tale of so many Americans who have idealistic ideas and dreams and, tragically, are never able to actualize them. The “American Dream” is something that’s branded into the minds and hearts of millions of Americans, and Cold inspect that phenomenon in this video. The clip also contemplates the idea that things aren’t always as they seem. Watch it all at the bottom of the post.

Ward recently sat down with Audio Ink Radio to talk about “Superfiction” and how this album differs from Cold’s previous discs. “I wanted to create a record that was more fictional, because the last two Cold records were very personal, and our lives have changed,” Ward said. “I think with any band that has longevity, you’re going to go through changes. I didn’t want to create a personal record that wasn’t true, so I decided to create a fictional record that would give the characters depth, and I wanted to make the stories tragic to where they still related to our audience.

“The goal was to make the characters come to life and to make our Cold Army kids still feel emotion. I think we accomplished that. I know we’ve accomplished that now, based of all the kids that are talking to us at the shows.” (Photo via YouTube.)

Watch Cold’s Official Music Video for ‘American Dream’:


Anne Erickson
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Posted by Anne Erickson | Music, Rock, Rock News, Videos

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