Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell ‘Loves’ Kanye West

Story by Anne Erickson
Soundgarden frontman sends affectionate Tweet to rapper Kanye West
Despite what you may have heard or read, Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell loves rapper Kanye West. As the story plays out, Cornell made news this week when he went off on a slight rant during Australia’s Big Day Out tour show, due to West arriving 45 minutes late to the festival and, hence, interrupting Soundgarden’s performance with sounds of his crew doing a late soundcheck on the main stage.
At the festival, Cornell spewed off some negative comments to the crowd regarding West’s interruptions, and media outlets picked up the story and ran with it. In response, Cornell has issued a statement to clarify at what angle his anger was directed at the festival: “My comments @ BDO were directed solely at inadequate tour production. Kanye had nothing to do with it! We love him,” Cornell tweeted from his official Twitter account.
Cornell has kept busy the past year playing both Soundgarden gigs and solo, acoustic shows. He says he believes he’s at his musical best when he’s at ease sharing deep, personal feelings through his music– whether it’s solo tracks or Soundgarden’s greatest hits. “ … I think that there’s something that happens when I sort of let my guard down and allow whoever that person is and that character – and I don’t know who that is – [come out],” he told the New York Times. “Maybe it’s the disappointed version of me as a child. I don’t know. Maybe it’s the observer that sees things as what you imagine the world is gets replaced by different glimpses into reality, which is often awful. It’s probably that startled, scared kid that’s reacting in an aggressive way and descriptive way out of defense, I suppose. But then there are little things and bits and pieces of inspiration and imagination that come from that…”
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