AFI Guitarist Jade Puget Talks Getting Back on the Road


Story by Audio Ink Radio Staff

Interview: Guitarist Jade Puget says AFI thought their club tour would be a good way to kick the new album cycle off

AFI hit the big time in 2003 with “Sing the Sorrow,” a haunting album that showcased the band’s penchant for minor-key guitars and bleak, sorrowful-yet-beautiful messages. The release featured alternative hits such as “Girls Not Grey,” “Silver the Cold” and “The Leaving Song Pt. II” and earned AFI a new wave of fans, hypnotized by the California-based band’s art-punk sound.

Ten years later, AFI are readying their ninth studio release, “Burials,” set to arrive on Oct. 22. Now, the guys – singer Davey Havok, guitarist Jade Puget, drummer Adam Carson and bass player Hunter Burgan – are back on the road for the first time in three years, getting fans ready for the release.

Puget says AFI thought this current tour would be the best way to introduce “Burials” to the world.

“We thought it would be a good way to kick the whole album cycle off,” he said. “A lot of these places, the album won’t even be out when we play there, so we thought it would be an intimate way to get out there. We haven’t played a live show in three years—- we haven’t even stepped on a stage. So, it will be a good way for us to get back into it, too.”

Following this club tour, the band plans to stay on the road. That’s just the AFI way of doing things. “We’ll be playing more tours!” Puget said. “We’re going all over the place. We’re going all over the world, just doing what we usually do. We’ll just tour for a year, year and a half.”

To check out AFI’s upcoming tour dates, head to the band’s official website.

(Photo via Republic Records.)

Audio Ink Radio Staff
Posted by Audio Ink Radio Staff | Alternative, Features, Interviews, Music

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