Demon Hunter, Project 86 Members Form Electronic Project, NYVES

Story by Anne Erickson
Nine Inch Nails and Depeche Mode inspired new electronic project from Ryan Clark and Randy Torres
Demon Hunter and Project 86 are known as some of the biggest bands playing Chrisitan rock and metal, but what about electronic music? Now, Demon Hunter frontman Ryan Clark and Project 86 guitarist Randy Torres have launched an electronic project called NYVES, and they’re raising funds to record an album with the project via a Kickstarter campaign.
According to a message Clark wrote on the project’s Kickstarter page, he and Torres have been working on the new project since 2013. As for the sound of the new songs, Clarks says to expect something along the lines of Nine Inch Nails or Depeche Mode. A new song from the project called “Fall Behind” is also available for streaming on Soundcloud.
“My songwriting has always been a bit archaic in process,” he stated. “I managed to find a way to plug my guitar into my computer about a decade ago, and my methods haven’t changed much since then.”
He added, “My knowledge of ‘recording for real’ is limited to what I’ve seen over the shoulders of extremely talented producers and engineers over the past 20 years. I can write it, I can (for the most part) play it, but I’m at the mercy of those whose talents lie in the big picture to make it sound incredible during the process. Randy, for instance, is one of those people.”
Clark added that working with Torres on the production side of things is a great fit. He says Torres’ programming and production skills “have reached levels that shock me.”
“Not only is he creating the kind of material that is thrilling to write to, his knack for building beautiful soundscapes, attention to detail, and production talents ensure that this record will sound absolutely incredible,” he added.”
Stream NYVES’ ‘Fall Behind’:
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